CSI helps Armenian families in need (Feb 2021)

in Russian — https://miaban.ru/info/artsakh/csi-6-2-2021/ Source: https://csi-usa.org/csi-helps-armenian-families-in-need/ (Feb 6, 2021) Many Armenian Christian families in Nagorno-Karabakh have been left homeless and dependent on aid after Azerbaijan captured their towns and villages in the war at the end of last year. Christian Solidarity International (CSI) is partnering with a church in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, to provide vital assistance.

Grigory Ayvazyan. Udis, the Albanian church and the Artsakh issue

in Russian — https://miaban.ru/info/armenia/udiny-6-11-2020/ Grigori Ayvazyan Researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Dr. Ph. in History (Caucasian Studie) UDIS. BRIEF REFERENCE Tramslation from Russian by Miaban.ru. Udis – Udi people, self-name is «udi».

Another crime of hirelings of Azerbaijan’s authorities in Russia and in the world

(in Russian / на русском — здесь) (a translation in English is on its way and soon will be finished) Interview of the editor of the «Miaban» web site Vahan Babakhanyan with a public figure, director of the Christian Churches Support Fund “International Christian Solidarity Fund” Dmitry Pakhomov (Moscow, not to be confused with the Christian liberal Democratic Movement “Solidarity”). This Fund carries out a very important public mission. Many events can be found on their Facebook page. In late February, Dmitry Pakhomov gave an interview on the topic of the Moscow Treaty, it is reflected on the «Miaban» web […]

Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has been recognized more than once by Azerbaijan itself, Russia and the OSCE

in Russian — https://miaban.ru/info/artsakh/artsakh-legal/ Below are some documents signed by the officials of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan … These are clear and irrefutable evidences of the de facto and legal recognition of the NKR (Republic of Artsakh) by Russia and Azerbaijan. Sources: web sites http://karabakhfacts.com, V. Kazimirov, Antitopor.