in Russian —
The Coordinating Council of Russian-Armenian Organizations (CC RAO), being concerned about the next wave of Azerbaijan’s aggressiveness together with Turkey in September 2020 and the media coverage of the topic of group attacks by Azerbaijani extremists on Armenians in different cities of Russia in July, issued the following Appeal. Some other public Statements of CC RAO is here.

The beginning of the consideration by the Moscow court of the criminal cases of the detained Azerbaijanis and Armenians in Moscow in July this year is approaching. We hereby testify that the so-called «July events» in different cities were nothing more than carefully planned from outside Russia — from Azerbaijan and Turkey — organized by recurrent (multiple) group, cocky crimes committed by Azerbaijani extremists against Armenians on the grounds of national hatred, as a part of Russian society, and on the territory of country member of the EAEU and the CSTO. The targets of the attacks were citizens of Armenian origin of different ages, who in some cases resorted to self-defense measures, in other cases they acted in response.
To put an equal sign, to follow the path of “Gorbachev’s equalization”, on the principle of “parity,” of symmetry, is a mockery of the facts and the essence of the matter. Among the many who were injured by the attacking groups of Azerbaijani extremists was a man who escaped the genocidal hell in Sumgait. The descendants and followers of the unpunished, acquitted and even heroized extremists in Azerbaijan in 1988 again showed atrocities against this Armenian — already in Moscow, 32 years later.
The primitivization of the problem, the equalization of the parties of the conflict — aggressive groups and those who were deliberately attacked, reduction to a kind of one-time imitation «campaign to fight» — are unacceptable and harmful to the national security of the Russian Federation.
The Coordinating Council of Russian-Armenian organizations strongly opposes mistakes, «Gorbachev’s» equalizing approaches, the tragic consequences of which are well known and cost the Armenian people too dearly, not to mention the fact that they led to the collapse of the USSR. We demand the strictest punishment of those who ordered and executed the group attacks of radical pan-Turkist extremists on Armenians, their accomplices and patrons.
The Coordinating Council of Russian-Armenian Organizations
September 26, 2020
The plan of destabilization on the part of certain forces in Baku is based on radical Pan-Turkism (Turkism, Pan-Turanism), which, in addition to being directed against Armenians, is also aimed at other peoples: Talysh, Lezgins, Avars and others. Ignoring, hushing up this factor is fraught with relapses. The handwriting of pan-Turkist agents, guides and perpetrators of a series of attacks has clearly manifested itself over the past three months: first attacks, then withdrawal from sight after the start of countermeasures, and in September, transition to an attack at the highest political level. It should be noted that the trade war on the part of Azerbaijanis, who control food markets, chains and shops, against products from Armenia continues, not being resolved, has become a dangerous precedent, not realizing the danger of which is very shortsighted.
Ara Abrahamyan, a chairman of the State Commission on information support of the state ethnic policy of the Russian Federation, on July 29 in an interview expressed the opinion that this was organized by Azerbaijan and Turkey with the key participation of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Moscow — as a test step for greater revolt and chaos in Russia.
Ph.D. in Sociology, well-known public figure Victor Krivopuskov wrote two Open letters in July to federal and regional authorities of the Russian Federation, in which, in particular, he stated «the need to give a fair and uncompromising assessment of these unprecedented facts of open incitement of interethnic hatred, infringement against the law and security of Russia.»
On July 24, Armenian Ambassador to Russia Vardan Toganyan called the attacking Azerbaijani extremists «very well-organized armed gangs» under the influence of «a well-organized Armenian-phobic policy exported from Azerbaijan. Its goal is to destroy the balance that we have in Russia.»
One of the methods of primitivization is in the local, narrow consideration of these crimes outside the general context of the racist, genocidal policy and practice of Azerbaijan. Ankara and Baku have long tried to transfer the conflicts they themselves initiated to Russia, so in July there was another attempt. What kind of symmetry or parity can we talk about, if it is right from Baku that orders to undermine Russia have been systematically and regularly sent for decades? The liquidation of the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in 2017 did not stop the flow of these orders — the control system from Baku continues to work even without this Congress.
The joint tandem of radical pan-Turkist forces in Azerbaijan and Turkey is more and more aggressively carrying out projects of destabilization in different countries — from Libya to Greece, from Egypt to Syria, from Crimea to Chinese Xinjiang, etc. Only during last two months, an Armenian church was set on fire in San Francisco, the walls of an Armenian school were painted with Azerbaijani flags with obscene graffiti, and even shooting was fired at it. The city authorities have qualified the crimes as committed on the grounds of national hatred. The recent new transfer of terrorists from the Middle East to Azerbaijan, large-scale military preparations of the pan-Turkist union, militant rhetoric, open threats of «nuclear terrorism» (missile attacks on the Armenian nuclear power plant), synchronous streams of lies, hate speech in the rank of state policy — all these facts speak for themselves…
There is no talk of an interethnic (Armenian-Azerbaijani) conflict «from below», there is no such «symmetric» conflict at all. The Azerbaijani communities in Russia are not the source of destabilization. The source is radical extremists, agents of destabilization. Instead of an integrated approach to solving a neglected problem, they are trying for some convenience, for the sake of the momentary conjuncture and succumbing to the well-known tricks of the Baku authorities, to reduce it to «clashes or conflict between», primitivizing the issue, not only not solving it, but in fact indirectly giving the green light to relapses…
Unfortunately, errors of justice and insufficient human rights protection in Russia were reflected in wild stories with arrests in Baku, in addition to internal public figures, also people from Russia: Lapshin, Ueldanov, Isaev, as well as an outstanding humanist and public figure of the Talysh people Fakhraddin Aboszoda (Abbasov).
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